

Sophie Berube


January 12, 2024

Summary sheet

Main use-cases Rcpp wrapper for hmmIBD
Authors OJ Watson
Latest version 0.2.0
License OJ Watson 2019
Website NA
Code repository
Publication NA
Tutorial authors Sophie Berube
Tutorial date 13-12-2023


This package is an Rcpp wrapper for the hmmibd software. Currently, there are several c and python scripts (within the hmmibd software) required to convert files from VCF format to a text format that can then be used by either hmmibd or hmmibdr to perform further analysis. However, these scripts require the user to run c and python code; these are the same requirements as those for performing analysis using only the hmmibd software . Therefore, we recommend the use of the hmmibd software directly for the entire analysis.

Please refer to the hmmibd tutorial for a complete demonstration of the tool.

Existing resources

  • A short tutorial for hmmibdr is located on the Github Page
  • See the hmmibd for further information.


    title = {hmmibdr: HMM Identity by Descent},
    author = {OJ Watson},
    year = {2023},
    note = {R package version 0.2.0},
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