Run functions |
Run the simulation |
Run a metapopulation model |
Run the simulation with repetitions |
Run the simulation in a resumable way |
Parameter functions |
Get model parameters |
Get default correlation parameters |
Use parameter draw from the join posterior |
Set equilibrium |
Parameterise age grouped output rendering |
Demography functions |
Parameterise variable deathrates |
Mosquito species functions and parameters |
Parameterise the mosquito species to use in the model |
Parameterise custom baseline carrying capacity |
Calculate the vector carrying capacity |
Get initialised carrying capacity for each species |
Preset parameters for the An. arabiensis vector |
Preset parameters for the An. funestus vector |
Preset parameters for the An. gambiae s.s vector |
Preset parameters for the An. stephensi vector |
Preset parameters for the An. koliensis vector |
Intervention functions |
Drug treatments |
Parameterise drugs to use in the model |
Parameterise clinical treatment |
Preset parameters for the AL drug (P. falciparum) |
Preset parameters for the DHA-PQP drug (P. falciparum) |
Preset parameters for the SP-AQ drug (P. falciparum) |
Preset parameters for the CQ-PQ drug (P. vivax) |
Preset parameters for the CQ-TQ drug (P. vivax) |
Preset parameters for the CQ drug (P. vivax) |
Parameterise antimalarial resistance |
Retrieve resistance parameters |
MDA and chemoprevention |
Parameterise a Mass Drug Administration |
Parameterise a perennial malaria chemoprevention (PMC, formerly IPIi) |
Parameterise a Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention |
Calculate the yearly offset (in timesteps) for the peak mosquito season |
Vaccines |
Parameterise a vaccine mass distribution strategy |
Parameterise a pre-erythrocytic vaccine with an EPI strategy |
Parameterise an TBV strategy |
RTS,S vaccine profile |
RTS,S booster vaccine profile |
R21 vaccine profile |
R21 booster vaccine profile |
Vector control |
Parameterise a bed net strategy |
Parameterise an indoor spraying strategy |
Non-user functions |
Class: Correlation parameters |
create a PEV profile |
Create progress process |
Calculate the birthrate for a population in equilibrium |
Parameterise total_M and carrying capacity for mosquitos from EIR |
Parameterise total_M |
Parameter draws (P. falciparum) |
Parameter draws (P. vivax) |
Parasite parameters |