Data from Beier et al.(1999) consisting of measures of the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum detected by microscopy in children under five years old and annual Entomological Innoculation Rate (EIR) for the same year, from 31 sites in Africa. Data were read from Figure 1 in the original article using WebPlotDigitizer [].



A data frame of 28 rows and two columns. Column one, "annual_EIR" is the annual Entomological Inoculation Rate calculated for Plasmodium falciparum and column 2, "prevalence" is the parasite prevalence of plasmodium falciparum measured at the same site


Beier, John C., Gerry F. Killeen, and John I. Githure. Entomologic inoculation rates and Plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence in Africa. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 61.1 (1999): 109-113. (PubMed)


plot( EIR_prev_beier1999$annual_EIR, EIR_prev_beier1999$prevalence,
xlab = "Annual EIR (Pf)",
ylab = "Parasite prevalence (Pf)",
main = "Annual EIR vs Prevalence, Beier et al., 1999")