Accessing site-files
Downloading a site file
To access a site file - a collated set of data for a specific country - you will need to follow these steps:
Sign up for a github account, single user accounts are free.
Send an email to to ask for site file access. Please include the following details:
- Your name
- Your institution
- Your github username
- A short description of the project you will use the site files for
- You will then be added to the malariaverse github team.
When you receive confirmation of this (look out for a notification on
github), you can then use the site
package inbuilt
functionality to download site files.
You can call fetch_site()
, specifying the ISO3c country
code of your country of interest. For example, for Nigeria:
fetch_site(iso3c = "NGA")
The first time you do this, you will see interactive authentication instructions asking you to access a github link and providing an authentication code. Open the link and copy the code to authorise access. This process should cache your credentials so that you don’t have to authorise every time.
Updates and versioning
Site files will be periodically updated. You can see the version of
sitefile you have by looking at the site metadata. Calling
provides more information about what site
files are available on the server.
News on new updates will be posted here.
If you encounter any issues with this process, please post an issue, with as much detail as possible on the site package issue page.