Choose from one of four preset prioritisation matrices.

strategy_matrix(strategy, max_coverage = 0.8, risk_proportion = 0)



Prioritisation strategy

  • "All""Target all age groups"

  • "Elderly""Prioritise by most elderly first, working to younger age groups at each step"

  • "Working Elderly Children""Prioritise working ages followed by elderly followed by children"

  • "Risk Elderly Working Children""Prioritise a sub-population of thoe working age, followed by elderly, followed by remiaining working age followed by children"

  • "Risk Elderly Working Children step""Prioritise a sub-population of thoe working age, followed by elderly and continuing in a stepwise fashion, moving from the oldest age group down"


Maximum coverage in any one age group


Proportion of working age individuals to prioritise if "Risk Elderly Working Children" is choosen


Prioritisation coverage matrix