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Run a chain that was prepared using monty_sample_manual_prepare.


monty_sample_manual_run(chain_id, path, progress = NULL)



The id for the chain to run, an integer. If you provide an integer that does not correspond to a chain in 1 to n_chains (where n_chains was the argument passed to monty_sample_manual_prepare it is an error.


The path used in the call to monty_sample_manual_prepare


Optional logical, indicating if we should print a progress bar while running. If NULL, we use the value of the option monty.progress if set, otherwise we show the progress bar (as it is typically wanted). Alternatively, you can provide a string indicating the progress bar type. Options are fancy (equivalent to TRUE), none (equivalent to FALSE) and simple (a very simple text-mode progress indicator designed play nicely with logging; it does not use special codes to clear the line).


There is no lock mechanism; you can start a single chain many times. Don't do this.


model <- monty_example("banana")
sampler <- monty_sampler_random_walk(vcv = diag(2) * 0.05)
path <- tempfile()
monty_sample_manual_prepare(model, sampler, 100, path)
#> ── Manual monty sampling at /tmp/RtmpfRBPaN/file1ca83c273df7 ───────────────────
#>  Created 2024-12-31 13:31:58
#>  100 steps x 1 chains
#>  No chains complete

# Run the (single) chain
monty_sample_manual_run(1, path)
#> 🎄 Sampling   |   1% ETA:  0s
#>  Sampled 100 steps across 1 chain in 19ms
#> ── Manual monty sampling at /tmp/RtmpfRBPaN/file1ca83c273df7 ───────────────────
#>  Created 2024-12-31 13:31:58
#>  100 steps x 1 chains
#>  All chains complete

# Collect the results
#> ── <monty_samples: 2 parameters x 100 samples x 1 chain> ───────────────────────
#>  Parameters: 'alpha' and 'beta'
#>  Conversion to other types is possible:
#> posterior::as_draws_array() [package loaded]
#> posterior::as_draws_df() [package loaded]
#> coda::as.mcmc.list() [package loaded]
#>  See `?monty_sample()` and `vignette("samples")` for more information

# Clean up samples