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Create a simple random walk sampler, which uses a symmetric proposal to move around parameter space. This sampler supports sampling from models where the likelihood is only computable randomly (e.g., for pmcmc).


monty_sampler_random_walk(vcv = NULL, boundaries = "reflect")



A variance covariance matrix for the proposal.


Control the behaviour of proposals that are outside the model domain. The supported options are:

  • "reflect" (the default): we reflect proposed parameters that lie outside the domain back into the domain (as many times as needed)

  • "reject": we do not evaluate the density function, and return -Inf for its density instead.

  • "ignore": evaluate the point anyway, even if it lies outside the domain.

The initial point selected will lie within the domain, as this is enforced by monty_sample.


A monty_sampler object, which can be used with monty_sample