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Create forest plot for human delays


forest_plot_delay_int(df, ulim, reorder_studies, ...)



The data frame containing the necessary data for generating the forest plot.


The upper limit for the x-axis of the plot. Default is 10.


Logical. If TRUE, the studies will be reordered using the reorder_studies function. Default is TRUE.


Additional arguments to be passed to the forest_plot function.


returns plot with a summary of the human delays


There are a number of 'delays' that are relevant to the pathogens we study. Some of the more commonly, and hence likely to be extracted for most pathogens, are infectious period, incubation period, and serial interval. However, there are many others reported by relatively few studies or relevant to only a few pathogens. This function is intended to serve as a template for creating forest plots for these delays. It will first reparameterise any delays reported in terms of the gamma distribution to the mean and standard deviation (see reparam_gamma). Then, any parameters reported as inverse (e.g., per day instead of days) will be inverted (see invert_inverse_params). Finally, all delays will be converted to days (see delays_to_days) before reordering the studies (if requested) and plotting the forest plot. We also provide some utility functions for the commonly used delays that are simply wrapper for this function. If however you are interested in some other delay, you will need to use this function directly, ensuring that the data frame you provide has only the relevant delays.