This extends previous projections as you can pass in lists of each argument that then get passed to each simulation replicate.

  time_period = NULL,
  R0 = NULL,
  R0_change = NULL,
  tt_R0 = 0,
  contact_matrix_set = NULL,
  contact_matrix_set_change = NULL,
  tt_contact_matrix = 0,
  hosp_bed_capacity = NULL,
  hosp_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
  tt_hosp_beds = 0,
  ICU_bed_capacity = NULL,
  ICU_bed_capacity_change = NULL,
  tt_ICU_beds = 0,
  to_be_run = TRUE,
  model_user_args = NULL



Calibrated {squire_simulation} object.


How many days is the projection. Deafult = NULL, which will carry the projection forward from t = 0 in the calibration (i.e. the number of days set in calibrate using forecast)


Numeric vector for R0 from t = 0 in the calibration. E.g. R0 = c(2, 1). Default = NULL, which will use R0_change to alter R0 if provided.


Numeric vector for relative changes in R0 relative to the final R0 used in the calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration) E.g. R0 = c(0.8, 0.5). Default = NULL, which will use R0 to parameterise changes in R0 if provided.


Change time points for R0


Contact matrices used in simulation. Default = NULL, which will use contact_matrix_set_change to alter the contact matrix if provided.


Numeric vector for relative changes in the contact matrix realtive to the final contact matrix used in the calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration). E.g. contact_matrix_set_change = c(0.8, 0.5). Default = NULL, which will use contact_matrix_set to parameterise changes in contact matrices if if provided.


Time change points for matrix change. Default = 0


Numeric vector for hospital bed capacity from t = 0 in the calibration. Default = NULL, which will use hosp_bed_capacity_change to alter hosp_bed_capacity if provided.


Numeric vector for relative changes in hospital bed capacity relative to the final hospital bed capacity used in the calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration). E.g. hosp_bed_capacity_change = c(0.8, 0.5). Default = NULL, which will use hosp_bed_capacity to parameterise changes in hospital bed capacity if provided.


Change time points for hosp_bed_capacity


Numeric vector for ICU bed capacity from t = 0 in the calibration. Default = NULL, which will use ICU_bed_capacity_change to alter ICU_bed_capacity if provided.


Numeric vector for relative changes in ICU bed capacity relative to the final ICU bed capacity used in the calibration (i.e. at t = 0 in the calibration). E.g. ICU_bed_capacity_change = c(0.8, 0.5). Default = NULL, which will use ICU_bed_capacity to parameterise changes in ICU bed capacity if provided.


Change time points for ICU_bed_capacity


List of logicals for whether each replicate should be run. Default = TRUE, which causes all replictes to be run.


List of other parameters to be passed to the model to be run. Default = NULL. An example would be:

list( list( "prob_severe" = runif(17), "tt_dur_get_ox_survive" = c(0, 10), "gamma_get_ox_survive" = 0.2), list( "prob_severe" = runif(17), "tt_dur_get_mv_survive" = c(0, 5), "gamma_get_mv_survive" = 0.1) )

The list should be the same length as the number of replicates in the simulations. Each list element should then be a list with elements named to match the arguments expected by the odin model with r. Above would be suitable to set the model parameters for a simulation with 2 replicates. You do not have to have the same arguments in each list.


The user can specify changes to R0, contact matrices and bed provision, which will come into effect from the current day in the calibration. These changes can either set these to be specific values or change them relative to their values in the original simulation. If no change is requested, the simulation will use parameters chosen for the calibration run. This extends previous versions of projections as you can now pass in lists of each argument that then get passed to each simulation replicate.