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Simulate future incidence based on past incidence in multiple locations, a matrix of (possibly time-varying) reproduction numbers for each location, a matrix of serial intervals, a matrix of relative movement between locations.


spatial_project(x, R, si, pmovement, n_sim, n_days, model = "poisson")



A matrix of past incidence (integer). The matrix has 1 column for each location; that is, each column is interpreted as the incidence in a location.


A n_days X n_locations matrix of reproduction numbers; where n_days is either 1 or the number of days over which we want to project, and n_locations is the number of locations (i.e. the number of columns in x). If R has only 1 row, the values will be recycled.


A matrix of discretised serial interval, assumed to be the same same for all locations. These can be generated easily using the package EpiEstim. See vignettes for examples.


A n_locations X n_locations matrix of the probability of movement between locations. Entry in row i, column j is the probability that a case in i will move to j during their infectious period.


The number of epicurves to simulate. Defaults to 100.


projection horizon. Defaults to 7.


Currently only "poisson" is supported


an array conatining the projected incidence. The dimensions of the returned array are n_days X n_locations X n_sim


Sangeeta Bhatia, Anne Cori, Pierre Nouvellet