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Distinguish multiple estimates from the same study

Distinguish multiple estimates from the same study


  col = "parameter_type",
  label_type = c("letters", "numbers")

  col = "parameter_type",
  label_type = c("letters", "numbers")



The data frame containing the estimates.


The column name for the table type. For parameters this is "parameter_type"; for models this is "model_type"; for outbreaks this is "outbreak_country".


Type of labels to add to distinguish multiple estimates. Must be one of "letters" or "numbers".


The modified data frame with updated article_label

The modified data frame with updated article_label


If a study has more than one estimate for the same parameter_type/model/outbreak, we add a suffix to the article_label to distinguish them otherwise they will be plotted on the same line in the forest plot. Say we have two estimates for the same parameter_type (p) from the same study (s), they will then be labeled as s 1 and s 2.

If a study has more than one estimate for the same parameter_type/model/outbreak, we add a suffix to the article_label to distinguish them otherwise they will be plotted on the same line in the forest plot. Say we have two estimates for the same parameter_type (p) from the same study (s), they will then be labeled as s 1 and s 2.


df <- data.frame(article_label = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C"),
                 parameter_type = c("X", "X", "Y", "Y", "Z"))
mark_multiple_estimates(df, label_type = "numbers")
#>   article_label parameter_type
#> 1         A (1)              X
#> 2         A (2)              X
#> 3         B (1)              Y
#> 4         B (2)              Y
#> 5             C              Z

df <- data.frame(article_label = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C"),
                 parameter_type = c("X", "X", "Y", "Y", "Z"))
mark_multiple_estimates(df, label_type = "numbers")
#>   article_label parameter_type
#> 1         A (1)              X
#> 2         A (2)              X
#> 3         B (1)              Y
#> 4         B (2)              Y
#> 5             C              Z