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This data set provides all extracted data for mathematical models applied to Marburg virus disease (MVD).


A csv file containing the following parameters:

  • model_data_id = ID variable for the model.

  • article_id = ID variable for the article the model came from.

  • model_type = whether the model was compartmental, branching process, agent/individual based, other, or unspecified.

  • compartmental_type = if the model is compartmental, whether the model is SIS, SIR, SEIR, or "other".

  • stoch_deter = whether the article specified whether the model was stochastic, deterministic, or both.

  • theoretical_model = "TRUE" or "FALSE". "TRUE" if the model is not fit to data.

  • interventions_type = interventions modelled e.g. vaccination, quarantine, vector control, treatment, contact tracing, hospitals, treatment centres, safe burials, behaviour changes, other, or unspecified.

  • code_available = whether the code was made available in the article.

  • transmission_route = which transmission route was modelled, e.g. airborne or close contact, human to human, vector to human, animal to human, sexual, or unspecified.

  • assumptions = assumptions used in the model e.g. homogenous mixing, latent period is the same as incubation period, heterogeneity in transmission rates between groups or over time, age dependent susceptibility, or unspecified.

  • covidence_id = article identifier used by the Imperial team.


Cuomo-Dannenburg G, McCain K, McCabe R, Unwin HJT, Doohan P, Nash RK, et al. Marburg Virus Disease outbreaks, mathematical models, and disease parameters: a Systematic Review. medRxiv; 2023. 2023.07.10.23292424. Available from: