Data on the models identified in the systematic review of articles related to Marburg virus disease.
This data set provides all extracted data for mathematical models applied to Marburg virus disease (MVD).
A csv file containing the following parameters:
model_data_id = ID variable for the model.
article_id = ID variable for the article the model came from.
model_type = whether the model was compartmental, branching process, agent/individual based, other, or unspecified.
compartmental_type = if the model is compartmental, whether the model is SIS, SIR, SEIR, or "other".
stoch_deter = whether the article specified whether the model was stochastic, deterministic, or both.
theoretical_model = "TRUE" or "FALSE". "TRUE" if the model is not fit to data.
interventions_type = interventions modelled e.g. vaccination, quarantine, vector control, treatment, contact tracing, hospitals, treatment centres, safe burials, behaviour changes, other, or unspecified.
code_available = whether the code was made available in the article.
transmission_route = which transmission route was modelled, e.g. airborne or close contact, human to human, vector to human, animal to human, sexual, or unspecified.
assumptions = assumptions used in the model e.g. homogenous mixing, latent period is the same as incubation period, heterogeneity in transmission rates between groups or over time, age dependent susceptibility, or unspecified.
covidence_id = article identifier used by the Imperial team.