Data on the articles identified and included in the systematic review of articles related to Marburg virus disease.
This data set provides the details of all extracted articles included in the systematic review for Marburg virus disease (MVD).
A csv file containing the following parameters:
"article_id" = ID variable for the article.
"pathogen" = pathogen name.
"covidence_id" = article identifier used by the Imperial team.
"first_author_first_name" = first author first name or initials.
"article_title" = title of article.
"doi" = the doi of the article.
"journal" = journal that the article is published in.
"year_publication" = year of article publication.
"volume" = journal volume.
"issue" = journal issue.
"page_first" = first page number.
"page_last" = last page number.
"paper_copy_only" = if the article is not available online.
"notes" = notes the extractor has made.
"first_author_surname" = surname of the first author.
"double_extracted" = either single extracted (0) or double extracted (1).
"qa_m1" = quality assessment: "Is the methodological/statistical approach suitable? Q1. Clear and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_m2" = quality assessment: "Is the methodological/statistical approach suitable? Q2. Robust and appropriate for the aim?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_a3" = quality assessment: "Are the assumptions appropriate? Q3. Clear and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_a4" = quality assessment: "Are the assumptions appropriate? Q4. Justified?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_d5" = quality assessment: "Are the data appropriate for the selected methodological approach? Q5. Clearly described and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_d6" = quality assessment: "Are issues in data... Q6. Clearly discussed and acknowledged?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"qa_d7" = quality assessment: "Are issues in data... Q7. Accounted for in chosen methodological approach?" (either 0, 1, or NA)
"score" = overall quality assessment score.