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This data set provides the details of all extracted articles included in the systematic review for Marburg virus disease (MVD).


A csv file containing the following parameters:

  • "article_id" = ID variable for the article.

  • "pathogen" = pathogen name.

  • "covidence_id" = article identifier used by the Imperial team.

  • "first_author_first_name" = first author first name or initials.

  • "article_title" = title of article.

  • "doi" = the doi of the article.

  • "journal" = journal that the article is published in.

  • "year_publication" = year of article publication.

  • "volume" = journal volume.

  • "issue" = journal issue.

  • "page_first" = first page number.

  • "page_last" = last page number.

  • "paper_copy_only" = if the article is not available online.

  • "notes" = notes the extractor has made.

  • "first_author_surname" = surname of the first author.

  • "double_extracted" = either single extracted (0) or double extracted (1).

  • "qa_m1" = quality assessment: "Is the methodological/statistical approach suitable? Q1. Clear and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_m2" = quality assessment: "Is the methodological/statistical approach suitable? Q2. Robust and appropriate for the aim?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_a3" = quality assessment: "Are the assumptions appropriate? Q3. Clear and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_a4" = quality assessment: "Are the assumptions appropriate? Q4. Justified?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_d5" = quality assessment: "Are the data appropriate for the selected methodological approach? Q5. Clearly described and reproducible?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_d6" = quality assessment: "Are issues in data... Q6. Clearly discussed and acknowledged?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "qa_d7" = quality assessment: "Are issues in data... Q7. Accounted for in chosen methodological approach?" (either 0, 1, or NA)

  • "score" = overall quality assessment score.


Cuomo-Dannenburg G, McCain K, McCabe R, Unwin HJT, Doohan P, Nash RK, et al. Marburg Virus Disease outbreaks, mathematical models, and disease parameters: a Systematic Review. medRxiv; 2023. 2023.07.10.23292424. Available from: