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Loads raw data for a particular pathogen


  table = c("article", "parameter", "outbreak", "model", "param_name")



name of pathogen. Must be one of the priority pathogens You can get a list of the priority pathogens currently included in the package by calling the function priority_pathogens.


the table to be loaded. Must be one of "article", "parameter", "outbreak", or "model"


data.frame reading in the csv the specified pathogen table


This function will return the raw data as a data.frame. The csv files of the models, outbreaks, and parameters for a pathogen do not contain information on the source but only an "article_id" that can be used to merge them with the articles. If you wish to retrieve linked information or multiple tables at the same time, use load_epidata instead.

See also

load_epidata() for a more user-friendly interface


load_epidata_raw(pathogen = "marburg", table = "outbreak")
#> # A tibble: 23 × 24
#>    outbreak_id article_id outbreak_start_day outbreak_start_month
#>    <chr>            <int>              <dbl> <chr>               
#>  1 4                   20                 NA Aug                 
#>  2 5                   23                 18 Aug                 
#>  3 6                   23                 18 Oct                 
#>  4 7                   21                 NA Oct                 
#>  5 10                  33                 NA NA                  
#>  6 12                  42                 NA Jul                 
#>  7 13                  45                 NA Oct                 
#>  8 14                  49                 10 Jun                 
#>  9 17                  57                 NA Oct                 
#> 10 19                  60                 12 Feb                 
#> # ℹ 13 more rows
#> # ℹ 20 more variables: outbreak_start_year <dbl>, outbreak_end_day <dbl>,
#> #   outbreak_end_month <chr>, outbreak_date_year <dbl>,
#> #   outbreak_duration_months <dbl>, outbreak_size <dbl>,
#> #   asymptomatic_transmission <lgl>, outbreak_country <chr>,
#> #   outbreak_location <chr>, cases_confirmed <dbl>, cases_mode_detection <chr>,
#> #   cases_suspected <int>, cases_asymptomatic <int>, deaths <int>, …