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Subset the epidemiological parameter columns by parameter type


  parameter_name = c("cfr", "delays", "sero", "risk_factors", "reproduction_number",
    "genomic", "attack_rate", "doubling_time", "growth_rate", "overdispersion",
  all_columns = FALSE



The parameter data.frame ($param) from load_epidata().


A character string with the parameter name. Options are: "cfr", "delay", "sero", "risk", "reproduction_number", and "genomic".


The default is FALSE meaning that only the key columns specified for the specific parameter will be retrieved. If TRUE, then all columns in the data.frame will be retrieved.


A data.frame with the key columns for the selected parameter.


lassa_data <- load_epidata("lassa")
#>  Data loaded for lassa
lassa_params <- lassa_data$params
cfr_lassa <- get_parameter(
  data = lassa_params,
  parameter_name = "Severity - case fatality rate (CFR)"
get_key_columns(data = cfr_lassa, parameter_name = "cfr")
#> # A tibble: 85 × 12
#>    article_label   article_info        population_country population_sample_size
#>    <chr>           <chr>               <chr>                               <int>
#>  1 Webb 1986       Webb 1986 (Transac… Sierra Leone                          225
#>  2 ter Meulen 1998 ter Meulen 1998 (J… Guinea                                 12
#>  3 Shehu 2018      10.3389/fpubh.2018… Nigeria                                11
#>  4 Shaffer 2014    10.1371/… Sierra Leone                         1740
#>  5 Roth 2015       10.4269/ajtmh.14-0… Sierra Leone                           21
#>  6 Price 1988 (1)  Price 1988 (Britis… Sierra Leone                           68
#>  7 Price 1988 (2)  Price 1988 (Britis… Sierra Leone                           79
#>  8 White 1972      White 1972 (Transa… Nigeria                                23
#>  9 Okokhere 2018   10.1016/S1473-3099… Nigeria                               284
#> 10 Knobloch 1980   Knobloch 1980 (Tro… Guinea, Liberia, …                     42
#> # ℹ 75 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: population_sample_type <chr>, population_group <chr>,
#> #   method_disaggregated <lgl>, parameter_type <chr>, parameter_value <dbl>,
#> #   cfr_ifr_numerator <int>, cfr_ifr_denominator <int>, cfr_ifr_method <chr>