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Check upper limit of parameter values


check_ulim(df, ulim, param)



A data frame containing the parameter values.


The specified upper limit for the parameter values.


The name of the parameter.


The suggested upper limit for the parameter values.


Each forest plot has a default upper limit for the parameter values, based on the expected range of the parameter. This function checks the upper limit of parameter values in a data frame and compares it with the default limit. If the maximum parameter value exceeds the specified upper limit, a warning message is displayed. The function also returns the suggested upper limit. It is used internally by the forest plot functions (only for warning the user). You can also use it directly to update the default upper limit in the forest plot functions.


df <- data.frame(parameter_value = c(10, 20, 30))
check_ulim(df, 25, "parameter")
#> Warning: The maximum parameter is  30 ; the ulim is set to  25 . Some points may not be plotted. Consider increasing ulim.
#> [1] 30