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Fetch the last history created by running a likelihood. This errors if the last call to dust_likelihood_run did not use save_history = TRUE.


  index_group = NULL,
  select_random_particle = FALSE



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


An optional vector of group indices to run the calculation for. You can use this to run a subset of possible groups, once obj is initialised (this argument must be NULL on the first call).


Logical, indicating if we should return a history for one randomly selected particle (rather than the entire history). If this is TRUE, the particle will be selected independently for each group, if the object is grouped. This option is intended to help select a representative trajectory during an MCMC. When TRUE, we drop the particle dimension of the return value.


An array. If ungrouped this will have dimensions state x particle x time, and if grouped then state x particle x group x time. If select_random_particle = TRUE, the second (particle) dimension will be dropped.