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Test multiple sets of parameters randomly drawn from range between maximum and minimum values in order to find approximate values giving maximum posterior likelihood


  n_iterations = 1,
  n_param_sets = 1,
  n_bounds = 1,
  log_params_min = NULL,
  log_params_max = NULL,
  input_data = list(),
  obs_sero_data = list(),
  obs_case_data = list(),
  mode_start = 0,
  prior_settings = list(type = "zero"),
  dt = 1,
  n_reps = 1,
  enviro_data = list(),
  p_severe_inf = 0.12,
  p_death_severe_inf = 0.39,
  add_values = list(vaccine_efficacy = 1, p_rep_severe = 1, p_rep_death = 1, m_FOI_Brazil
    = 1),
  deterministic = TRUE,
  mode_parallel = FALSE,
  cluster = NULL,
  plot_graphs = FALSE



= Number of times to run and adjust maximum/minimum


= Number of parameter sets to run in each iteration


= Number of parameter sets (with highest likelihood values) to take at each iteration to create new maximum/minimum values


Initial lower limits of estimated parameter values (natural logarithm of actual limits)


Initial upper limits of estimated parameter values (natural logarithm of actual limits)


List of population and vaccination data for multiple regions (created using data input creation code and usually loaded from RDS file)


Seroprevalence data for comparison, by region, year & age group, in format no. samples/no. positives


Annual reported case/death data for comparison, by region and year, in format no. cases/no. deaths


Flag indicating how to set initial population immunity level in addition to vaccination
If mode_start = 0, only vaccinated individuals
If mode_start = 1, shift some non-vaccinated individuals into recovered to give herd immunity (uniform by age, R0 based only)
If mode_start = 3, shift some non-vaccinated individuals into recovered to give herd immunity (stratified by age)


List containing settings for priors: must contain text named "type": If type = "zero", prior probability is always zero
If type = "norm", prior probability is given by dnorm calculation on parameter values with settings based on vectors of values in prior_settings:
norm_params_mean and norm_params_sd (vectors of mean and standard deviation values applied to log FOI/R0 parameters and to actual values of additional parameters)
+ FOI_mean + FOI_sd (mean + standard deviation of computed FOI, single values)
+ R0_mean + R0_sd (mean + standard deviation of computed R0, single values)


time increment in days (must be 1 or 5)


Number of repetitions


Data frame of values of environmental covariates (columns) by region (rows)


Probability of an infection being severe


Probability of a severe infection resulting in death


List of parameters in addition to those governing FOI/R0, either giving a fixed value or giving NA to indicate that they are part of the fitted parameter set
vaccine_efficacy Vaccine efficacy (proportion of reported vaccinations causing immunity) (must be present)
p_rep_severe Probability of observation of severe infection
p_rep_death Probability of observation of death
m_FOI_Brazil Multiplier of spillover FOI for Brazil regions (only relevant if regions in Brazil to be considered)


TRUE/FALSE - set model to run in deterministic mode if TRUE


TRUE/FALSE - indicate whether to use parallel processing on supplied cluster for speed


Cluster of threads to use if mode_parallel = TRUE


TRUE/FALSE - plot graphs of evolving parameter space '


This function is used to estimate the model parameter values giving maximum posterior likelihood; it is primarily intended to be used to generate initial parameter values for Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting (using the mcmc() function).