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This vignette describes how to use the package to calculate the likelihood of observing particular epidemiological data based on a particular set of input parameters. This is used to estimate parameter values within a Bayesian framework via Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, as described in Worked Example 4 - Parameter Estimation Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Functions.

Data is loaded in the same manner as in Worked Example 3 - Generating Epidemiological Data Sets:

input_data <- readRDS(file = paste(path.package("YEP"), 
                                  "/exdata/input_data_example.Rds", sep = ""))
enviro_data <- read.csv(file = paste(path.package("YEP"), 
                                  "/exdata/enviro_data_example.csv", sep = ""),
                        header = TRUE)
enviro_coeffs <- read.csv(file = paste(path.package("YEP"), 
                                       sep = ""), header = TRUE)
obs_sero_data <- read.csv(file = paste(path.package("YEP"), 
                                       sep = ""), header = TRUE)
obs_case_data <- read.csv(file = paste(path.package("YEP"), 
                                       sep = ""), header = TRUE) 
n_regions <- nrow(enviro_data)
for(n_region in 1:n_regions){
 FOI_R0_values <- param_calc_enviro(enviro_coeffs = enviro_coeffs[1, ], 
                  enviro_covar_values = enviro_data[n_region,c(2:ncol(enviro_data))])
 FOI_values[n_region] <- FOI_R0_values$FOI
 R0_values[n_region] <- FOI_R0_values$R0
vaccine_efficacy <- 1.0 
p_severe_inf = 0.12 # Probability of an infection causing severe symptoms
p_death_severe_inf = 0.39 # Probability of an infection with severe symptoms causing death
p_rep_severe = 0.05 # Probability of reporting of an infection with severe (non-fatal) symptoms
p_rep_death = 0.1 # Probability of reporting of a fatal infection
mode_start <- 1     
start_SEIRV <- NULL       
dt <- 1.0            
n_reps <- 1    
deterministic <- TRUE
mode_parallel <- "none"
cluster <- NULL

Modelled data to use for the likelihood calculation is created using Generate_Dataset() as in Worked Example 3:

model_data <- Generate_Dataset(input_data,FOI_values,R0_values,obs_sero_data,obs_case_data,vaccine_efficacy,

The likelihood of the observed serological data based on the epidemiological parameters is calculated using a gamma distribution, with (for each line of data) the modelled seroprevalence as the probability of “success”, the number of samples for the specified region, age range and year as the number of “observations”, and the number of positive tests as the number of “successes”.

sero_like <- sum(lgamma(obs_sero_data$samples+1) - lgamma(obs_sero_data$positives+1) - 
                   lgamma(obs_sero_data$samples - obs_sero_data$positives + 1) + 
                   obs_sero_data$positives*log(model_data$model_sero_values) + 
                   (obs_sero_data$samples - obs_sero_data$positives)*log(1.0 - model_data$model_sero_values))

The likelihood of the observed annual case and death data based on the epidemiological parameters is calculated using a negative binomial distribution, with (for each line of data) the modelled number of cases or deaths as the mean and the observed number of cases or deaths as the number of “successes”.

cases_like <- sum(dnbinom(x = obs_case_data$cases,mu = model_data$model_case_values,
                          size = rep(1,length(obs_case_data$cases)),log = TRUE))
deaths_like <- sum(dnbinom(x = obs_case_data$deaths,mu = model_data$model_death_values,
                           size = rep(1,length(obs_case_data$deaths)),log = TRUE))