Perform RMAPI analysis.

  eccentricity = 0.5,
  null_method = 1,
  n_perms = 100,
  n_breaks = 1,
  dist_breaks = NULL,
  empirical_tail = "both",
  min_intersections = 5,
  report_progress = TRUE



object of class rmapi_project.


eccentricity of ellipses, defined as half the distance between foci divided by the semi-major axis. We can say \(e = sqrt{1 - b^2/a^2}\), where \(e\) is the eccentricity, \(a\) is the length of the semi-major axis, and \(b\) is the length of the semi-minor axis. Eccentricity ranges between 0 (perfect circle) and 1 (straight line between foci).


what method to use for the null model:

  1. permutation test on raw statistic. If n_breaks = 1 then this is identical to the original MAPI method, if n_breaks > 1 then a spatial permutation test is implemented in which edges are binned based on spatial distance and permutation only occurs within a bin.

  2. permutation test on residuals. The fitted model from a previously call of fit_model() is used to compute residuals, and the permutation test method is carried out on residual values. As with method 1, this permutation test can be spatially binned.


number of permutations to run when checking statistical significance. Set to 0 to skip this step.


alternative to defining sequence of dist_breaks. If dist_breaks == NULL then the full spatial range of the data is split into n_breaks equal groups.


vector of breaks that divide spatial distances into permutation groups. Defaults to the full spatial range of the data, i.e. all edges are included in permutation testing.


whether to do calculate empirical p-values using a one-sided test (empirical_tail = "left" or empirical_tail = "right") or a two-sided test (empirical_tail = "both").


minimum number of ellipses that must intersect a hex for it to be included in the final map, otherwise NA.


if TRUE then a progress bar is printed to the console during the permutation testing procedure.