Estimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number from coarsely aggregated data

  dt = 7L,
  dt_out = 7L,
  iter = 10L,
  tol = 1e-06,
  recon_opt = "naive",
  config = make_config(),
  method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si"),
  grid = list(precision = 0.001, min = -1, max = 1)



aggregated incidence data, supplied as a vector


length of temporal aggregations of the incidence data. This should be an integer or vector of integers. If a vector, this will be recycled. For example, dt = c(3L, 4L) would correspond to alternating incidence aggregation windows of 3 and 4 days. The default value is 7 time units (typically days) - see details.


length of the sliding windows used for R estimates (numeric, 7 time units (typically days) by default). Only used if dt > 1; in this case this will supersede config$t_start and config$t_end, see estimate_R().


number of iterations of the EM algorithm (integer, 10 by default)


tolerance used in the convergence check (numeric, 1e-6 by default)


one of "naive" or "match" (see details).


an object of class estimate_R_config, as returned by function make_config.


one of "non_parametric_si" or "parametric_si" (see details).


named list containing "precision", "min", and "max" which are used to define a grid of growth rate parameters that are used inside the EM algorithm (see details). We recommend using the default values.


an object of class estimate_R, with components:

  • R: a dataframe containing: the times of start and end of each time window considered ; the posterior mean, std, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction number for each time window.

  • method: the method used to estimate R, one of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample"

  • si_distr: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the discrete serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation

  • SI.Moments: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the mean and std of the discrete serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation

  • I: the time series of daily incidence reconstructed by the EM algorithm. For the initial incidence that cannot be reconstructed (e.g. the first aggregation window and aggregation windows where incidence is too low to estimate Rt - see details) then the incidence returned will be the naive disaggregation of the incidence data used to initialise the EM algorithm.

  • I_local: the time series of incidence of local cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)

  • I_imported: the time series of incidence of imported cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)

  • dates: a vector of dates corresponding to the incidence time series


Estimation of the time-varying reproduction number from temporally-aggregated incidence data. For full details about how Rt is estimated within this bayesian framework, see details in estimate_R.

Here, an expectation maximisation (EM) algorithm is used to reconstruct daily incidence from data that is provided on another timescale. In addition to the usual parameters required in estimate_R, the estimate_R_agg() function requires that the user specify two additional parameters: dt and dt_out. There are two other parameters that the user may modify, iter and grid, however we recommend that the default values are used.

  • dt is the length of the temporal aggregations of the incidence data in days. This can be a single integer if the aggregations do not change. E.g. for weekly data, the user would supply dt = 7L. If the aggregation windows vary in length, a vector of integers can be supplied. If the aggregations have a repeating pattern, for instance, if incidence is always reported three times per week on the same day of the week, you can supply a vector such as: dt = c(2L,2L,3L). If the aggregations change over time, or do not have a repeating pattern, the user can supply a full vector of aggregations matching the length of the incidence data supplied.

  • dt_out is the length of the sliding window used to estimate Rt from the reconstructed daily data. By default, Rt estimation uses weekly sliding time windows, however, we recommend that the sliding window is at least equal to the length of the longest aggregation window (dt) in the data.

  • recon_opt specifies how to handle the initial incidence data that cannot be reconstructed by the EM algorithm (e.g. the incidence data for the aggregation window that precedes the first aggregation window that R can be estimated for). If `"naive"` is chosen, the naive disaggregation of the incidence data will be kept. If `"match"` is chosen, the incidence in the preceding aggregation window will be reconstructed by assuming that the growth rate matches that of the first estimation window. This is `"naive"` by default.

  • iter is the number of iterations of the EM algorithm used to reconstruct the daily incidence data. By default, iter = 10L, which has been demonstrated to exceed the number of iterations necessary to reach convergence in simulation studies and analysis of real-world data by the package authors (manuscript in prep).

  • grid is a named list containing "precision", "min", and "max" which are used to define a grid of growth rate parameters used inside the EM algorithm. The grid is used to convert reproduction number estimates for each aggregation of incidence data into growth rates, which are then used to reconstruct the daily incidence data assuming exponential growth. The grid will auto-adjust if it is not large enough, so we recommend using the default values.

There are three stages of the EM algorithm:

  • Initialisation. The EM algorithm is initialised with a naive disaggregation of the incidence data. For example, if there were 70 cases over the course of a week, this would be naively split into 10 cases per day.

  • Expectation. The reproduction number is estimated for each aggregation window, except for the first aggregation window (as there is no past incidence data). This means that the earliest the incidence reconstruction can start is at least the first day of the second aggregation window. Additionally, if the disaggregated incidence in subsequent aggregation windows is too low to estimate the reproduction number, this will mean that the reconstruction will not start until case numbers are sufficiently high.

  • Maximisation. The reproduction number estimates are then translated into growth rates for each aggregation window (Wallinga & Lipsitch, 2007) and used to reconstruct daily incidence data assuming exponential growth. The daily incidence is adjusted by a constant to ensure that if the daily incidence were to be re-aggregated, it would still sum to the original aggregated totals. The expectation and maximisation steps repeat iteratively until convergence.

The daily incidence that is reconstructed after the final iteration of the EM algorithm is then used to estimate Rt using the same process as the original estimate_R function, with sliding weekly time windows used as the default.


Nash RK, Cori A, Nouvellet P. Estimating the epidemic reproduction number from temporally aggregated incidence data: a statistical modelling approach and software tool. medRxiv pre-print. (medRxiv pre-print)Wallinga & Lipsitch. How generation intervals shape the relationship between growth rates and reproductive numbers (Proc Biol Sci 2007).

See also


Rebecca Nash and Anne Cori


## Example for constant aggregation windows e.g. weekly reporting

# Load data on SARS in 2003

# this is daily data, but for this example we will aggregate it to weekly 
# counts using the `aggregate_inc()` function
incid <- SARS2003$incidence
dt <- 7L
weekly_incid <- aggregate_inc(incid, dt)
#> Incidence aggregated up to day 105 of 107
si_distr <- SARS2003$si_distr

# estimate Rt using the default parameters (method "non_parametric_si")
method <- "non_parametric_si"
config <- make_config(list(si_distr = si_distr))
res_weekly <- estimate_R_agg(incid = weekly_incid, 
                            dt = 7L, # aggregation window of the data
                            dt_out = 7L, # desired sliding window length
                            iter = 10L,
                            config = config,
                            method = method,
                            grid = list(precision = 0.001, min = -1, max = 1))
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 1
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 1
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 2
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 2
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 3
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 3
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 4
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 4
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 5
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 5
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 6
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 6
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 7
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 7
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 8
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 8
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 9
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 9
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 10
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 10
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> R estimation starts on day 8

# Plot the result

## Example using repeating vector of aggregation windows e.g. for consistent 
## reporting 3 times a week

# Using the SARS data again

# For this example we will pretend data is being reported three times a week,
# in 2-day, 2-day, 3-day aggregations
incid <- SARS2003$incidence
dt <- c(2L,2L,3L)
agg_incid <- aggregate_inc(incid, dt)
#> Incidence aggregated up to day 107 of 107
si_distr <- SARS2003$si_distr 

# estimate Rt using the default parameters (method "non_parametric_si")
method <- "non_parametric_si"
config <- make_config(list(si_distr = si_distr))
res_agg <- estimate_R_agg(incid = agg_incid, 
                            dt = c(2L,2L,3L), # aggregation windows of the data
                            dt_out = 7L, # desired sliding window length
                            iter = 10L,
                            config = config,
                            method = method,
                            grid = list(precision = 0.001, min = -1, max = 1))
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 1
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 1
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 2
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 2
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 3
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 3
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 4
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 4
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 5
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 5
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 6
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 6
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 7
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 7
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 8
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 8
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 9
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 9
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 10
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 10
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> R estimation starts on day 8

# Plot the result

## Example using full vector of aggregation windows

dt <- rep(c(2L,2L,3L), length.out=length(agg_incid))
si_distr <- SARS2003$si_distr 

# estimate Rt using the default parameters (method "non_parametric_si")
method <- "non_parametric_si"
config <- make_config(list(si_distr = si_distr))
res_agg <- estimate_R_agg(incid = agg_incid, 
                            dt = dt, # aggregation windows of the data
                            dt_out = 7L, # desired sliding window length
                            iter = 10L,
                            config = config,
                            method = method,
                            grid = list(precision = 0.001, min = -1, max = 1))
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 1
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 1
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 2
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 2
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 3
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 3
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 4
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 4
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 5
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 5
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 6
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 6
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 7
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 7
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 8
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 8
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 9
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 9
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> Estimated R for iteration: 10
#> Reconstructed incidence for iteration: 10
#> Warning: You're estimating R too early in the epidemic to get the desired
#>             posterior CV.
#> R estimation starts on day 8

# Plot the result