Aggregating daily incidence to longer time windows

aggregate_inc(incid, dt = 7L)



a vector of daily incidence values


a positive integer, or vector thereof, indicating the length(s) of the desired aggregation window(s). If a vector, this will be recycled. For example, dt = c(3L, 4L) would correspond to alternating aggregation windows of 3 and 4 days


a vector of incidence values, aggregated to dt


## Constant aggregation e.g. weekly reporting
incid <- SARS2003$incidence
dt <- 7L
aggregate_inc(incid, dt)
#> Incidence aggregated up to day 105 of 107
#>  [1]   4   7  24 149 158 430 225 180 105  63  47  33  23  11   6

## Non-constant aggregation e.g. reporting 3x week
#' data("SARS2003")
incid <- SARS2003$incidence
dt <- c(2L,2L,3L)
aggregate_inc(incid, dt)
#> Incidence aggregated up to day 107 of 107
#>  [1]   1   1   2   2   3   2   0   5  19  58  38  53  51  54  53  56 199 175  58
#> [20]  80  87  68  56  56  33  30  42  20  12  31  17  16  14  10   9  14   5   8
#> [39]  10   3   1   7   2   2   2   2