Create population pyramid plot
calendar_quarter = 2,
colour_palette = "blue",
x_title = NULL,
y_title = t_("AGE_GROUP"),
fig_title = NULL,
legend_label = abs,
masc_label = t_("SEX_MALE"),
fem_label = t_("SEX_FEMALE")
Naomi output object or path to naomi output zip folder
Naomi projection quarter to filter data to, default is calendar_quarter_t2
Names or hexcode value for right and left side of population pyramid. Can be specified as a preset colour palette using "red", "green" and "blue" or manually as a named list: cols <- c( left_clour = "red", right_colour = "blue").
Title for the figure x axis, blank by default
Title for the figure y axis, default is "Age Group"
Title for the figure, blank by default,
Label for male sex group, default is "Male"
Label for female sex group, default is "Female"
Pop pyramid