If the .shiny90 file does not exist within the .PJNZ, the function will
silently not return values, even if extract_shiny90 = TRUE
extract_pjnz_naomi(pjnz_list, extract_shiny90 = TRUE)
A data.frame
with Spectrum indicators.
pjnz <- system.file("extdata/demo_mwi2019.PJNZ", package = "naomi")
spec <- extract_pjnz_naomi(pjnz)
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'readr':
#> method from
#> as.data.frame.spec_tbl_df vroom
#> as_tibble.spec_tbl_df vroom
#> format.col_spec vroom
#> print.col_spec vroom
#> print.collector vroom
#> print.date_names vroom
#> print.locale vroom
#> str.col_spec vroom