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Check and expand a domain, where it is used alongside a monty_packer object. This can be used to expand domains for logical parameters (e.g. a vector b) into its specific names (e.g., b[1], b[2], etc) without having to rely on the internals about how these names are constructed.


monty_domain_expand(domain, packer)



A two-column matrix as defined in monty_model, with row names corresponding to either logical names (e.g., b) or specific names b[1] that are present in your packer. NULL is allowed where all parameters are defined over the entire real line.


A monty_packer object


A two dimensional matrix representing your domain, or NULL if domain was given as NULL.


packer <- monty_packer(c("a", "b"), list(x = 3, y = c(2, 2)))
monty_domain_expand(NULL, packer)
monty_domain_expand(rbind(x = c(0, 1)), packer)
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> x[1]    0    1
#> x[2]    0    1
#> x[3]    0    1
monty_domain_expand(rbind(x = c(0, 1), "x[2]" = c(0, Inf)), packer)
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> x[1]    0    1
#> x[2]    0  Inf
#> x[3]    0    1
monty_domain_expand(rbind(x = c(0, 1), "y" = c(0, Inf)), packer)
#>        [,1] [,2]
#> x[1]      0    1
#> x[2]      0    1
#> x[3]      0    1
#> y[1,1]    0  Inf
#> y[2,1]    0  Inf
#> y[1,2]    0  Inf
#> y[2,2]    0  Inf