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Specify what resources a task requires to run. This creates a validated list of resources that can be passed in as the resources argument to task_create_expr or other task creation functions.


  cores = 1L,
  exclusive = FALSE,
  max_runtime = NULL,
  hold_until = NULL,
  memory_per_node = NULL,
  memory_per_process = NULL,
  requested_nodes = NULL,
  priority = NULL,
  queue = NULL



The number of cores your task requires. This is 1 by default. Setting to Inf will request any single node single node, however many cores that node has has.


Set this to TRUE to ensure no other tasks will be concurrently run on the node while it runs your task. This is done implicitly if cores is Inf. This might be useful for a single core task that uses a very large amount of memory, or for multiple tasks that for some reason cannot co-exist on the same node.


Set this to specify a time limit for running your job. Acceptable formats are either an integer number of minutes, or strings specifying any combination of hours (h), days (d) and minutes (m). Example valid values: 60, "1h30m", "5h", or "40d".


Specify your task should wait in the queue until a certain time, or for a certain period. For the former, this can be a POSIXt (i.e., a date and time in the future), a Date (midnight on a day in the future), the special strings "tonight" (7pm), "midnight", or "weekend" (midnight Saturday morning). To delay for a period, you can specify an integer number of minutes, or strings specifying any combination of hours (h), days (d) and minutes (m). Example valid values: 60, "1h30m", "5h", or "3d".


Specify your task can only run on a node with at least the specified memory. This is an integer assumed to be gigabytes, or a string in gigabytes or terabytes written as "64G" or "1T" for example.


If you can provide an estimate of how much RAM your task requires, then the cluster can ensure the total memory required by running multiple tasks on a node does not exceed how much memory the node has. Specify this as an integer number of gigabytes, or characters such as "10G"


If you have been in touch with us or DIDE IT, and you need to run your task on a selection of named compute nodes, then specify this here as a vector of strings for the node names.


If the tasks you are launching are low priority, you can allow other queuing tasks to jump over them, by setting the priority to to low; otherwise, the default is normal. These are the only acceptable values.


Specify a particular queue to submit your tasks to. This is in development as we decide over time what queues we best need for DIDE's common workflows. See the Details for more information, and the queues available on each cluster.


If the function succeeds, it returns a hipercow_resources list of parameters which is syntactically valid, although not yet validated against a particular driver to see if the resources can be satisfied. If the function fails, it will return information about why the arguments could not be validated. Do not modify the return value.

Windows cluster (wpia-hn)

  • Cores at present must be between 1 and 32

  • Memory per node (or per task) can be 512Gb at most.

  • The available queues are AllNodes and Training

  • The node names are between wpia-001 and wpia-070, excluding 41, 42, 49 and 50.

Linux cluster (hermod)

Coming Soon.


# The default set of resources
#> ── hipercow resource control (hipercow_resources) ──────────────────────────────
#> • cores: 1
#> • exclusive: FALSE
#> Unset: 'max_runtime', 'hold_until', 'memory_per_node', 'memory_per_process',
#> 'requested_nodes', 'priority', and 'queue'

# A more complex case:
  cores = 32,
  exclusive = TRUE,
  priority = "low")
#> ── hipercow resource control (hipercow_resources) ──────────────────────────────
#> • cores: 32
#> • exclusive: TRUE
#> • priority: low
#> Unset: 'max_runtime', 'hold_until', 'memory_per_node', 'memory_per_process',
#> 'requested_nodes', and 'queue'

# (remember that in order to change resources you would pass the
# return value here into the "resources" argument of
# task_create_expr() or similar)