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Purge (delete) hipercow tasks. This is a destructive operation that cannot be undone and can have unintended consequences! However, if you are running short of space and don't want to just delete everything and start again (which is our general recommendation), this function provides a mechanism for cleaning up tasks that you no longer need.


  task_ids = NULL,
  finished_before = NULL,
  in_bundle = NULL,
  with_status = NULL,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  root = NULL



A character vector of task identifiers. Typically if you provide this you will not provide any other filters.


A date, time, or difftime object representing the time or time ago that a task finished (here, the job might have finished for any reason; successfully or unsuccessfully unless you also provide the with_status argument). Everything prior to this will be deleted.


A character vector of bundle names. Wild cards are supported using shell (glob) syntax, rather than regular expression syntax. So use data_* to match all bundles that start with data_ (see utils::glob2rx for details). It is an error if no bundles are matched, but not an error if any individual pattern does not match.


A character vector of statuses to match. We only purge tasks that match these statuses. Valid statuses to use are created, success, failure and cancelled (note you cannot select tasks with status of submitted or running; use task_cancel for these first).


If TRUE, report what would have been done, but no changes will be made.


A hipercow root, or path to it. If NULL we search up your directory tree.


A character vector of deleted identifiers, invisibly.


Most of the arguments describe filters over your tasks. We delete the intersection of these filters (not the union), and you must provide at least one filter. So to delete all tasks that were created more than a week ago you could write:

hipercow_purge(created_before = as.difftime(1, units = "weeks"))

but to restrict this to only tasks that have also failed you could write

hipercow_purge(created_before = "1 week", with_status = "failed")

Consequences of deletion

A non-exhaustive list:

  • If you delete a task that is part of a task_retry chain, then all tasks (both upstream and downstream in that chain) are deleted

  • Once we support task dependencies (mrc-4797), deleting tasks will mark any not-yet-run dependent task as impossible, or perhaps delete it too, or prevent you from deleting the task; we've not decided yet

  • You may have a bundle that references a task that you delete, in which case the bundle will not behave as expected. As a result we delete all bundles that reference a deleted task

  • Deleted bundles or deleted tasks that you hold identifiers to before deletion will not behave as expected, with tasks reported missing. Restarting your session is probably the safest thing to do after purging.

  • We can't prevent race conditions, so if you are purging tasks at the same time you are also retrying tasks that you will purge, you'll create tasks that we might not want to allow, and these tasks will fail in peculiar ways.


cleanup <- hipercow_example_helper()
#>  This example uses a special helper

# Here are some tasks that have finished running:
bundle <- task_create_bulk_expr(sqrt(x), data.frame(x = 1:5),
                                bundle_name = "mybundle")
#>  Submitted 5 tasks using 'example'
#>  Created bundle 'mybundle' with 5 tasks
#> [1] TRUE

# Purge all tasks contained in any bundle starting with "my":
hipercow_purge(in_bundle = "my*")
#>  Purging 5 tasks
#>  Deleting 1 task bundle

#>  Cleaning up example