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Create, update, list, view and delete environments.


  name = "default",
  packages = NULL,
  sources = NULL,
  globals = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  check = TRUE,
  root = NULL

hipercow_environment_list(root = NULL)

hipercow_environment_delete(name = "default", root = NULL)

hipercow_environment_show(name = "default", root = NULL)

hipercow_environment_exists(name = "default", root = NULL)



Name of the environment. The name default is special; this is the environment that will be used by default (hence the name!). Environment names can contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.


Packages to be attached before starting a task. These will be loaded with library() before the sources are sourced. If you need to attach a package after a script for some reason, just call library yourself within one of your source files.


Files to source before starting a task. These will be sourced into the global (or execution) environment of the task. The paths must be relative to the hipercow root, not the working directory.


Names of global objects that we can assume exist within this environment. This might include function definitions or large data objects. The special value TRUE triggers automatic detection of objects within your environment (this takes a few seconds and requires that the environment is constructable on your local machine too, so is not currently enabled by default).


On environment creation, replace an environment with the same name.


Logical, indicating if we should check the source files for issues. Pass FALSE here if you need to bypass these checks but beware the consequences that may await you.


A hipercow root, or path to it. If NULL we search up your directory tree.


Nothing, all are called for their side effects.


cleanup <- hipercow_example_helper()
#>  This example uses a special helper

# Suppose you have a file with some functions you want to use in
# your task:
writeLines("simulation <- function(n) cumsum(rnorm(n))", "myfuns.R")

# Update the default environment to include these functions (or in
# this example, just this one function)
hipercow_environment_create(sources = "myfuns.R")
#>  Created environment 'default'

# You can now use this function in your tasks:
id <- task_create_expr(simulation(5))
#>  Submitted task '2879d0ddee15e6f0292e1079973adb51' using 'example'
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1]  1.3811394 -0.7809352 -0.4179960 -0.2582480 -0.7105792

#>  Cleaning up example