Describe information about the cluster. This is (naturally) very dependent on the cluster but some details of the value are reliable; see Value for details.
A list describing the cluster. The details depend on the driver, and are subject to change. We expect to see elements:
resources: Describes the computational resources on the cluster, which is used by hipercow_resources_validate. Currently this is a simple list with elements
(max RAM available, in GB),max_cores
(max number of cores you can request),queues
(character vector of available queues),nodes
(character vector of available nodes),default_queue
(the default queue). These details are subject to change but the contents should always be informative and fairly self explanatory.redis_url: The URL of the redis server to communicate with from outside of the cluster (i.e., from your computer), in a form suitable for use with redux::hiredis
r_versions: A vector of R versions, as
cleanup <- hipercow_example_helper()
#> ℹ This example uses a special helper
#> $resources
#> $resources$max_ram
#> [1] 4
#> $resources$max_cores
#> [1] 4
#> $resources$queues
#> [1] "alltasks" "bigmem" "fast"
#> $resources$nodes
#> [1] "node-1" "node-2" "gpu-3" "gpu-4"
#> $resources$default_queue
#> [1] "alltasks"
#> $r_versions
#> [1] ‘4.4.2’
#> $redis_url
#> [1] ""
#> ℹ Cleaning up example