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Describe information about the cluster. This is (naturally) very dependent on the cluster but some details of the value are reliable; see Value for details.


hipercow_cluster_info(driver = NULL, root = NULL)



The driver to use, which determines the cluster to fetch information from (depending on your configuration). If no driver is configured, an error will be thrown.


Hipercow root, usually best NULL


A list describing the cluster. The details depend on the driver, and are subject to change. We expect to see elements:

  • resources: Describes the computational resources on the cluster, which is used by hipercow_resources_validate. Currently this is a simple list with elements max_ram (max RAM available, in GB), max_cores (max number of cores you can request), queues (character vector of available queues), nodes (character vector of available nodes), default_queue (the default queue). These details are subject to change but the contents should always be informative and fairly self explanatory.

  • redis_url: The URL of the redis server to communicate with from outside of the cluster (i.e., from your computer), in a form suitable for use with redux::hiredis

  • r_versions: A vector of R versions, as numeric_vector objects


cleanup <- hipercow_example_helper()
#>  This example uses a special helper
#> $resources
#> $resources$max_ram
#> [1] 4
#> $resources$max_cores
#> [1] 4
#> $resources$queues
#> [1] "alltasks" "bigmem"   "fast"    
#> $resources$nodes
#> [1] "node-1" "node-2" "gpu-3"  "gpu-4" 
#> $resources$default_queue
#> [1] "alltasks"
#> $r_versions
#> [1] ‘4.4.1’
#> $redis_url
#> [1] ""
#>  Cleaning up example