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helios is an R package which allows users to simulate the impact of far UVC interventions in curtailing the spread of infectious disease outbreaks.

This vignette serves to demonstrate basic use of the package. We start by loading the package, as well as other packages used in the vignette:


First, we define some constant parameters to be used in the model. In this vignette we use the default options, aside from the human_population variable. To facilitate reproducibility, we also set the seed for random number generation:

parameters_list <- get_parameters(list(human_population = 5000, 
                                       number_initial_S = 4000,
                                       number_initial_E = 500,
                                       number_initial_I = 400,
                                       number_initial_R = 100,
                                       simulation_time = 100,
                                       seed = 1))

The names of all parameters are as follows:

#>  [1] "human_population"                            
#>  [2] "initial_proportion_child"                    
#>  [3] "initial_proportion_adult"                    
#>  [4] "initial_proportion_elderly"                  
#>  [5] "number_initial_S"                            
#>  [6] "number_initial_E"                            
#>  [7] "number_initial_I"                            
#>  [8] "number_initial_R"                            
#>  [9] "seed"                                        
#> [10] "mean_household_size"                         
#> [11] "workplace_prop_max"                          
#> [12] "workplace_a"                                 
#> [13] "workplace_c"                                 
#> [14] "school_prop_max"                             
#> [15] "school_meanlog"                              
#> [16] "school_sdlog"                                
#> [17] "school_student_staff_ratio"                  
#> [18] "leisure_prob_visit"                          
#> [19] "leisure_mean_number_settings"                
#> [20] "leisure_mean_size"                           
#> [21] "leisure_overdispersion_size"                 
#> [22] "leisure_prop_max"                            
#> [23] "duration_exposed"                            
#> [24] "duration_infectious"                         
#> [25] "beta_household"                              
#> [26] "beta_workplace"                              
#> [27] "beta_school"                                 
#> [28] "beta_leisure"                                
#> [29] "beta_community"                              
#> [30] "dt"                                          
#> [31] "simulation_time"                             
#> [32] "render_diagnostics"                          
#> [33] "household_distribution_country"              
#> [34] "school_distribution_country"                 
#> [35] "workplace_distribution_country"              
#> [36] "endemic_or_epidemic"                         
#> [37] "duration_immune"                             
#> [38] "prob_inf_external"                           
#> [39] "setting_specific_riskiness_workplace"        
#> [40] "setting_specific_riskiness_workplace_meanlog"
#> [41] "setting_specific_riskiness_workplace_sdlog"  
#> [42] "setting_specific_riskiness_workplace_min"    
#> [43] "setting_specific_riskiness_workplace_max"    
#> [44] "setting_specific_riskiness_school"           
#> [45] "setting_specific_riskiness_school_meanlog"   
#> [46] "setting_specific_riskiness_school_sdlog"     
#> [47] "setting_specific_riskiness_school_min"       
#> [48] "setting_specific_riskiness_school_max"       
#> [49] "setting_specific_riskiness_leisure"          
#> [50] "setting_specific_riskiness_leisure_meanlog"  
#> [51] "setting_specific_riskiness_leisure_sdlog"    
#> [52] "setting_specific_riskiness_leisure_min"      
#> [53] "setting_specific_riskiness_leisure_max"      
#> [54] "setting_specific_riskiness_household"        
#> [55] "setting_specific_riskiness_household_meanlog"
#> [56] "setting_specific_riskiness_household_sdlog"  
#> [57] "setting_specific_riskiness_household_min"    
#> [58] "setting_specific_riskiness_household_max"    
#> [59] "far_uvc_workplace"                           
#> [60] "far_uvc_workplace_coverage"                  
#> [61] "far_uvc_workplace_coverage_target"           
#> [62] "far_uvc_workplace_coverage_type"             
#> [63] "far_uvc_workplace_efficacy"                  
#> [64] "far_uvc_workplace_timestep"                  
#> [65] "far_uvc_school"                              
#> [66] "far_uvc_school_coverage"                     
#> [67] "far_uvc_school_coverage_target"              
#> [68] "far_uvc_school_coverage_type"                
#> [69] "far_uvc_school_efficacy"                     
#> [70] "far_uvc_school_timestep"                     
#> [71] "far_uvc_leisure"                             
#> [72] "far_uvc_leisure_coverage"                    
#> [73] "far_uvc_leisure_coverage_target"             
#> [74] "far_uvc_leisure_coverage_type"               
#> [75] "far_uvc_leisure_efficacy"                    
#> [76] "far_uvc_leisure_timestep"                    
#> [77] "far_uvc_household"                           
#> [78] "far_uvc_household_coverage"                  
#> [79] "far_uvc_household_coverage_target"           
#> [80] "far_uvc_household_coverage_type"             
#> [81] "far_uvc_household_efficacy"                  
#> [82] "far_uvc_household_timestep"


Next, we define the model variables:

variables_list <- create_variables(parameters_list)
#> There are less than or equal to 2 schools. Consider the population size may be too small!
variables_list <- variables_list$variables_list
#> [1] "disease_state"    "age_class"        "workplace"        "school"          
#> [5] "household"        "leisure"          "specific_leisure"

Aside from leisure, each entry of variables_list is of the CategoricalVariable class:

map(variables_list, class)
#> $disease_state
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"                 
#> $age_class
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"                 
#> $workplace
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"                 
#> $school
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"                 
#> $household
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"                 
#> $leisure
#> [1] "RaggedInteger" "R6"           
#> $specific_leisure
#> [1] "CategoricalVariable" "R6"

The leisure variable is a RagggedInteger allowing its elements to have different lengths.

Some variables change over time (disease_state, leisure, specific_leisure), while other remain fixed (age_class, workplace, school, household).

Disease states

The outbreak is implemented as individual-level SEIR compartmental model.

(disease_states <- variables_list$disease_state$get_categories())
#> [1] "S" "E" "I" "R"

The number of individuals initially exposed is controlled by parameters_list$number_initial_E and parameters_list$number_initial_I

#> [1] 500
#> [1] 400

Initially, all other individuals are placed into the susceptible disease state:

disease_state_counts <- purrr::map_vec(disease_states, function(x) variables_list$disease_state$get_size_of(values = x))

data.frame("State" = disease_states, "Count" = disease_state_counts) |>
State Count
S 4000
E 500
I 400
R 100

Age classes

There are three age classes: children, adults, and the elderly. The age of each individual remains fixed throughout the simulation.

parameters_list[c("initial_proportion_child", "initial_proportion_adult", "initial_proportion_elderly")]
#> $initial_proportion_child
#> [1] 0.2
#> $initial_proportion_adult
#> [1] 0.6
#> $initial_proportion_elderly
#> [1] 0.2

age_classes <- variables_list$age_class$get_categories()
age_class_counts <- purrr::map_vec(age_classes, function(x) variables_list$age_class$get_size_of(values = x))

data.frame(age_classes, age_class_counts) |>
  mutate(age_classes = forcats::fct_relevel(age_classes, "child", "adult", "elderly")) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = age_classes, y = age_class_counts)) +
  geom_col() +
  labs(x = "Age class", y = "Count") +


Each child attends a fixed school. Additionally, a small number of adults attend schools as staff:

schools <- variables_list$school$get_categories()
schools <- schools[schools != "0"]
school_sizes <- purrr::map_vec(schools, function(x) variables_list$school$get_size_of(values = x))

data.frame(school_sizes) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = school_sizes)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  labs(x = "School size", y = "Count")
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


Each adult (aside from those who are school staff) attends a fixed workplace:

workplaces <- variables_list$workplace$get_categories()
workplaces <- workplaces[workplaces != "0"]
workplace_sizes <- purrr::map_vec(workplaces, function(x) variables_list$workplace$get_size_of(values = x))

data.frame(workplace_sizes) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = log(workplace_sizes))) +
  geom_histogram() +
  labs(x = "log(Workplace size)", y = "Count")
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


Children, adults and elderly people are grouped into fixed households:

households <- variables_list$household$get_categories()
household_sizes <- purrr::map_vec(households, function(x) variables_list$household$get_size_of(values = x))

table(household_sizes) |>
  data.frame() |>
  ggplot(aes(x = household_sizes, y = Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  labs(x = "Household size", y = "Count")

The age distribution in households is as follows:

household_df <- purrr::map_df(households, function(x) {
  indices <- variables_list$household$get_index_of(values = x)$to_vector()
  if(length(indices > 0)) data.frame("individual" = indices, "household" = as.numeric(x))

age_classes <- variables_list$age_class$get_categories()
age_df <- purrr::map_df(age_classes, function(x) {
  indices <- variables_list$age_class$get_index_of(values = x)$to_vector()
  if(length(indices > 0)) data.frame("individual" = indices, "age_class" = x)

household_df |>
  left_join(age_df, by = "individual") |>
  group_by(household) |>
    child = sum(age_class == "child"),
    adult = sum(age_class == "adult"),
    elderly = sum(age_class == "elderly")
  ) |>
  group_by(child, adult, elderly) |>
    count = n()
  ) |>
  ungroup() |>
  arrange(desc(count)) |>
  head() |>
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'child', 'adult'. You can override using
#> the `.groups` argument.
child adult elderly count
0 1 0 707
0 2 0 546
1 2 0 149
0 0 1 144
0 3 0 112
2 2 0 100


Each week, individuals attend leisure venues:

leisure_places <- variables_list$leisure$get_values()
number_leisure_places <- sapply(leisure_places, function(x) sum(x > 0))

table(number_leisure_places) |>
  data.frame() |>
  ggplot(aes(x = number_leisure_places, y = Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  labs(x = "Number of leisure places attended in a week", y = "Count")


Events govern the transition of individuals between disease states:

events_list <- create_events(variables_list = variables_list, parameters_list = parameters_list)
#> [1] "EI_event" "IR_event"

Each event is in the TargetedEvent class:

lapply(events_list, class)
#> $EI_event
#> [1] "TargetedEvent" "EventBase"     "R6"           
#> $IR_event
#> [1] "TargetedEvent" "EventBase"     "R6"


We use a fixed number of time-steps to simulate over:

timesteps <- round(parameters_list$simulation_time / parameters_list$dt)

The object renderer is of class Render, and stores output from the model at each timestep:

renderer <- individual::Render$new(timesteps)
#> [1] "Render" "R6"


Processes enable queing of events:

variables_list <- create_variables(parameters_list)
#> There are less than or equal to 2 schools. Consider the population size may be too small!
parameters_list <- variables_list$parameters_list 
variables_list <- variables_list$variables_list
events_list <- create_events(variables_list = variables_list, parameters_list = parameters_list)
timesteps <- round(parameters_list$simulation_time/parameters_list$dt)
renderer <- individual::Render$new(timesteps)

processes_list <- create_processes(
  variables_list = variables_list,
  events_list = events_list,
  parameters_list = parameters_list,
  renderer = renderer

#> [1] "SE_process" "EI_process" "IR_process" ""


See individual::simulation_loop:

  variables = variables_list,
  events = unlist(events_list),
  processes = processes_list,
  timesteps = timesteps,

The output of the simulation is contained within renderer, and can be accessed using the to_dataframe() method:

states <- renderer$to_dataframe()

states |>
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = ends_with("count"), names_to = "compartment", values_to = "value", names_pattern = "(.*)_count") |>
    compartment = forcats::fct_relevel(compartment, "S", "E", "I", "R")
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = timestep, y = value, col = compartment)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("royalblue3", "firebrick3", "darkorchid3", "orange2")) +
  labs(x = "Time-step", y = "Count", col = "Compartment")