Generate a dust modelConvert a small section of C++ code into a model that can be run efficiently in parallel. |
Create a dust model from a C++ input file |
Generate dust code |
Create dust model in package |
Interact with the dust modelEvery dust model shares the same (fairly large) set of methods |
The dust class |
Random numbersThe core of dust is a parallel random number generator. These are also described in a series of vignettes. |
Dust Random Number Generator |
Create pointer to random number generator stream |
Create a set of distributed seeds |
ODE modelsAdditional support for ODE (ordinary differential equation) models |
Create a dust_ode_control object. |
Run in parallel with OpenMPDetect OpenMP support |
Information about OpenMP support |
Select number of threads |
Compile on GPUsControl compilation options for creating models to run on a GPU |
Detect CUDA configuration |
Create CUDA options |
Other |
Process data for dust |
Access dust's built-in examples |
Repair dust environment |