Function integrateDopri

  • integrateDopri(rhs: RhsFn, y: number[], t0: number, t1: number, control?: Partial<DopriControlParam>, output?: OutputFn): ((t: number[]) => number[][])
  • High-level convenience interface. Use this to create an integrator and immediately use it once to solve a system over some time range.


    • rhs: RhsFn

      The right hand side function to integrate

    • y: number[]

      The initial conditions for the system

    • t0: number

      The start time of the integration

    • t1: number

      The end time of the integration

    • control: Partial<DopriControlParam> = {}

      Optional control parameters to tune the integration

    • output: OutputFn = null

      Optional output function, to compute additional quantities related to the integration alongside the solution

    Returns ((t: number[]) => number[][])

      • (t: number[]): number[][]
      • This is essentially a vectorised version of InterpolatedSolution, accepting a vector of times.


        A vector of vectors; element [i][j] is the jth variable at the ith time in t


        • t: number[]

          Vector of times to request the solution at

        Returns number[][]

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