Precompute shape of posterior distribution for R

get_shape_R_flat(incid, priors, t_min = 2L, t_max = nrow(incid))



a multidimensional array containing values of the (local) incidence for each time step (1st dimension), location (2nd dimension) and pathogen/strain/variant (3rd dimension)


a list of prior parameters (shape and scale of a gamma distribution) for epsilon and R; can be obtained from the function `default_priors`. The prior for R is assumed to be the same for all time steps and all locations


an integer >1 giving the minimum time step to consider in the estimation. Default value is 2 (as the estimation is conditional on observations at time step 1 and can therefore only start at time step 2).


an integer >`t_min` and <=`nrow(incid)` giving the maximum time step to consider in the estimation. Default value is `nrow(incid)`.


a vector of the shape of the posterior distribution of R for each time step t and each location l (stored in element (l-1)*(t_max - t_min + 1) + t of the vector)


n_v <- 2
n_loc <- 3 # 3 locations
T <- 100 # 100 time steps
priors <- default_priors()
# constant incidence 10 per day everywhere
incid <- array(10, dim = c(T, n_loc, n_v))
get_shape_R_flat(incid, priors)
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