Please only use for compatibility; Prefer the new wallinga_teunis function instead
method = c("NonParametricSI", "ParametricSI"),
Mean.SI = NULL,
Std.SI = NULL,
SI.Distr = NULL,
nSim = 10,
plot = FALSE,
leg.pos = "topright"
see incid
in wallinga_teunis
see config$t_start
in wallinga_teunis
see config$t_end
in wallinga_teunis
see method in wallinga_teunis
(but WT uses CamelCase
where wallinga_teunis uses snake_case for the method names)
see config$mean_si
in wallinga_teunis
see config$std_si
in wallinga_teunis
see config$si_distr
in wallinga_teunis
see config$n_sim
in wallinga_teunis
Not used anymore, only there for compatibility
Not used anymore, only there for compatibility