The goal of treasure is to provide basic, generic unit-costing help for malariasimulation.
Functionality is minimal. The key goal of treasure is to be a transparent and version controlled repository for unit cost estimates that included detailed citations or references for cost sources.
⚠️ Cost estimates are targeted to be as up-to-date as possible. Retrospective costing of past programmes may therefore require adjustment.
⚠️ This is a living package and costs will be updated when new data are available. As such, be sure to reference and use a specific version if stable costing is required for a project.
⚠️ This is not an exhaustive source of malaria programme costs. For an example of a more complete costing exercise please see Patouillard et al, and for a recent cost and cost-effectiveness review Conteh et al.
⚠️ When using treasure, please be sure to reference the original sources, not just the package.
⚠️ All costs are in USD$, however the reference year for costs may differ and costs have not be inflation-adjusted.
Updates, reviews and improvements are encouraged via PRs!
Updates should be citable from a published source. They should be in-line with the aim of this package to be a source for generic costing estimates and therefore should be broadly representative of the costing for a given intervention, and (ideally) not focussed on a specific location or implementation approach.
Any suggested update via a PR should include: 1. An update to the costing function default value. 2. Updated documentation for the function including a citable source in the references section. 3. Corresponding update to the unit tests for the modified costing function.
You can install the development version of treasure from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")