Lancelot observation parameters
sero_specificity_1 = 0.9,
sero_sensitivity_1 = 0.99,
sero_specificity_2 = 0.9,
sero_sensitivity_2 = 0.99,
pillar2_specificity = 0.99,
pillar2_sensitivity = 0.99,
ons_specificity = 0.99,
ons_sensitivity = 0.99,
react_specificity = 0.99,
react_sensitivity = 0.99
Specificity of the first serology test assay
Sensitivity of the first serology test assay
Specificity of the second serology test assay
Sensitivity of the second serology test assay
Specificity of the Pillar 2 test
Sensitivity of the Pillar 2 test
Specificity of the ONS test
Sensitivity of the ONS test
Specificity of the REACT test
Sensitivity of the REACT test
A list of parameter values