Marc Baguelin. Author, maintainer.
Sangeeta Bhatia. Contributor.
Edward Knock. Author.
Lilith Whittles. Author.
Rich FitzJohn. Author.
John Lees. Author.
OJ Watson. Contributor.
Anne Cori. Author.
Pablo Perez-Guzman. Author.
Raphael Sonabend. Author.
Yasin Elmaci. Author.
Baguelin M, Knock E, Whittles L, FitzJohn R, Lees J, Cori A, Perez-Guzman P, Sonabend R, Elmaci Y (2024). sircovid: SIR Model for COVID-19. R package version 0.15.1,,
@Manual{, title = {sircovid: SIR Model for COVID-19}, author = {Marc Baguelin and Edward Knock and Lilith Whittles and Rich FitzJohn and John Lees and Anne Cori and Pablo Perez-Guzman and Raphael Sonabend and Yasin Elmaci}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.15.1,}, url = {}, }