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Returns the last (few) elements in the worker log, in a programmatically useful format (see Value).


rrq_worker_log_tail(worker_ids = NULL, n = 1, controller = NULL)



Optional vector of worker ids. If NULL then all active workers are used.


Number of elements to select, the default being the single last entry. Use Inf or 0 to indicate that you want all log entries


The controller to use. If not given (or NULL) we'll use the controller registered with rrq_default_controller_set().


A data.frame with columns:

  • worker_id: the worker id

  • child: the process id, an integer, where logs come from a child process from a task queued with separate_process = TRUE

  • time: the time from Redis when the event happened; see redux::redis_time to convert this to an R time

  • command: the command sent from or to the worker

  • message: the message corresponding to that command


if (FALSE) { # rrq:::enable_examples(require_queue = "rrq:example")
obj <- rrq_controller("rrq:example")
rrq_worker_log_tail(n = 10, controller = obj)