Task queues for R, implemented using Redis.

Getting started

Create an rrq_controller object

Submit work to the queue:

t <- rrq_task_create_expr(runif(10))
#> [1] "0b6ae3ae76e1cfab43a8ad4d41b7c4cd"

Query task process:

#> [1] "PENDING"

Run tasks on workers in the background

#> ℹ Spawning 1 worker with prefix 'pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly'
#> <rrq_worker_manager>
#>   Public:
#>     clone: function (deep = FALSE)
#>     id: pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1
#>     initialize: function (controller, n, logdir = NULL, name_config = "localhost",
#>     is_alive: function (worker_id = NULL)
#>     kill: function (worker_id = NULL)
#>     logs: function (worker_id)
#>     stop: function (worker_id = NULL, ...)
#>     wait_alive: function (timeout, time_poll = 0.2, progress = NULL)
#>   Private:
#>     check_worker_id: function (worker_id)
#>     controller: rrq_controller2
#>     logfile: /tmp/Rtmp3k3m8o/file183821cbeb985/pepperish_zebralongwin ...
#>     process: list
#>     worker_id_base: pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly

Wait for tasks to complete

#> [1] TRUE

Retrieve results from a task

#>  [1] 0.88813000 0.69115977 0.58344801 0.49533313 0.23230984 0.94035381
#>  [7] 0.06302391 0.75492762 0.69768060 0.31522964

Query what workers have done

rrq_worker_log_tail(n = Inf)
#>                            worker_id child       time       command
#> 1 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454         ALIVE
#> 2 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454         ENVIR
#> 3 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454         QUEUE
#> 4 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454    TASK_START
#> 5 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454 TASK_COMPLETE
#> 6 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454    TASK_START
#> 7 pepperish_zebralongwingbutterfly_1    NA 1713530454 TASK_COMPLETE
#>                            message
#> 1
#> 2                              new
#> 3                          default
#> 4 a7f89f9e729d693de669bb3eca5f6710
#> 5 a7f89f9e729d693de669bb3eca5f6710
#> 6 0b6ae3ae76e1cfab43a8ad4d41b7c4cd
#> 7 0b6ae3ae76e1cfab43a8ad4d41b7c4cd

For more information, see vignette("rrq")


Install from the mrc-ide package repository:


Alternatively, install with remotes:

remotes::install_github("mrc-ide/rrq", upgrade = FALSE)


To test, we need a redis server that can be automatically connected to using the redux defaults. This is satisfied if you have an unauthenticated redis server running on localhost, otherwise you should update the environment variable REDIS_URL to point at a redis server. Do not use a production server, as the package will create and delete a lot of keys.

A suitable redis server can be started using docker with

./scripts/redis start

(and stopped with ./scripts/redis stop)


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