The popim_population object is a dataframe that models an age-structured population through time, tracking population size and vaccine-induced immunity in the population. The population may be spatially disaggregated into several regions.

  region = character(),
  year_min = integer(),
  year_max = integer(),
  age_min = 0,
  age_max = 100



character vector, list of regions considered.


integer, first year to be considered.


integer, last year to be considered.


integer, youngest age to be considered, defaults to 0. Must be non-negative.


integer, oldest age to be considered, defaults to 100. Must be non-negative, and >= age_min.


An object of class popim_population. This is a dataframe with columns region, year, age, cohort, immunity and pop_size. The first three cover the ranges given by the input parameters. cohort gives the year of birth. It is reduntant as it is calculated as cohort = year - age. It is included for ease of handling. Immunity and pop_size are initialised as 0 and NA, respectively, throughout the whole population.


An object of S3 class popim_population is a dataframe that contains the columns

  • region: character.

  • year: integer.

  • age: integer, non-negative.

  • cohort: integer. This is redundant, equals year - age, and only included for ease of handling.

  • immunity: numeric, between 0 and 1 (inclusive). Proportion of the cohort that is immune due to vaccination. Initialised to 0 by the constructor popim_population().

  • pop_size: numeric, non-negative. Size of the cohort. Initialised to NA_real by the constructor popim_population().

This constructor sets up the population as fully susceptible (i.e., immunity = 0), with missing population size (i.e., pop_size = NA_real_) throughout. The parameters passed to the constructor are retained as attributes to the dataframe object.

A population with non-missing population size can be read in from a suitable file using read_popim_pop(), while vaccine induced immunity can be generated through applying vaccination activities to the population with apply_vacc().


Tini Garske


pop <- popim_population(region = "UK", year_min = 2000, year_max = 2010)

pop <- popim_population(region = c("FRA", "UK"),
                      year_min = 2000, year_max = 2010,
                      age_min = 0, age_max = 80)