Migrate an orderly archive to outpack. This function is subject to change, and does not handle all failure modes. It is quite slow because it involves hashing the contents of your archive several times - if you have GBs of files expect this to take minutes or hours.
orderly2outpack(src, dest, link = FALSE)
Path to the orderly archive to migrate. This must be "complete" (i.e., containing a full graph and no metadata only pulls)
The destination to create a new outpack archive. This will be created with no user-visible archive directory, with a file store, and requiring a full tree (i.e., in a suitable configuration to use as an upstream source).
Logical, indicating if the file store should be hard links to the existing orderly archive, rather than copies of the files. Doing this carries some risk and constraints: must be on the same file system, can't make files readonly, changes propagated both ways. As a result, only do this where you are confident that nothing will alter files in the source archive! The use case here is in continually migrating an orderly repository.
The path to the newly created archive