Create a log entry from outpack. This can be used to either log at the packet level (in which case object should be a packet object) or root level (in which case pass a root). What is actually printed to the screen or log files depends on the thresholds and settings in the root and console. The functions outpack_log_info, outpack_log_debug and outpack_log_traceare convenience wrappers aroundoutpack_log` and should be preferred.

outpack_log(object, log_level, topic, detail, caller)

outpack_log_info(object, topic, detail, caller)

outpack_log_debug(object, topic, detail, caller)

outpack_log_trace(object, topic, detail, caller)



Either an outpack_packet or outpack_root object; anything else is an error for now.


A log level; one of info, debug or trace in increasing order of verbosity (trace being a superset of debug, which is a superset of info). There is no warning or error log level


A short string (less than 10 characters) as the title of the action.


A character vector of any length to be used as detail for the logs. If you provide a single string this will be unboxed in the final JSON. If you want to force an array of strings, use I() around the value here (see jsonlite::toJSON's documentation on auto_unbox)


The name of the calling function; include the package name here.


Nothing, this is called for its side effects