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Evaluate a query against the outpack database, returning a vector of matching packet ids. Note that by default this only searches through packets that are unpacked and available for direct use on this computer; to search within packets known to other locations (and that we might know about via their metadata) you will need to use the options argument.


  parameters = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  options = NULL,
  root = NULL



Arguments passed through to orderly_query, perhaps just a query expression


Optionally, a named list of parameters to substitute into the query (using the this: prefix)


Optionally, an environment to substitute into the query (using the environment: prefix). The default here is to use the calling environment, but you can explicitly pass this in if you want to control where this lookup happens.


Optionally, a orderly_search_options object for controlling how the search is performed, and which packets should be considered in scope. If not provided, default options are used (i.e., orderly2::orderly_search_options())


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


A character vector of matching ids. In the case of no match from a query returning a single value (e.g., latest(...) or single(...)) this will be a character missing value (NA_character_)