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Create a new empty report.


orderly_new(name, template = NULL, force = FALSE, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The name of the report


The template to use. The only acceptable values for now are NULL (uses the built-in default) and FALSE which suppresses any default content. We may support customisable templates in future - let us know if this would be useful.


Create an orderly file - <name>.R within an existing directory src/<name>; this may be useful if you have already created the directory and some files first but want help creating the orderly file.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


Nothing, called for its side effects only