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Push tree to location. This function works out what packets are not known at the location and then what files are required to create them. It then pushes all the files required to build all packets and then pushes the missing metadata to the server. If the process is interrupted it is safe to resume and will only transfer files and packets that were missed on a previous call.


orderly_location_push(packet_id, location, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



One or more packets to push to the server


The name of a location to push to (see orderly_location_list for possible values).


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


Invisibly, details on the information that was actually moved (which might be more or less than what was requested, depending on the dependencies of packets and what was already known on the other location).