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Read the current orderly configuration, stored within the outpack root, along with any orderly-specific extensions.


orderly_config(root = NULL)



The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


A list of configuration options:

  • core: The most important options about the outpack store, containing:

    • path_archive: The path to the human-readable packet archive, or NULL if disabled (set in orderly_config_set as core.path_archive)

    • use_file_store: Indicates if a content-addressable file store is enabled (core.use_file_store)

    • require_complete_tree: Indicates if this outpack store requires all dependencies to be fully available (core.require_complete_tree)

    • hash_algorithm: The hash algorithm used (currently not modifiable)

  • location: Information about locations; see orderly_location_add, orderly_location_rename and orderly_location_remove to interact with this configuration, or orderly_location_list to more simply list available locations. Returns as a data.frame with columns name, id, priority, type and args, with args being a list column.

  • orderly: A list of orderly-specific configuration; this is just the minimum required version (as minimum_orderly_version).


# A default configuration in a new temporary directory
path <- withr::local_tempdir()
#>  Created orderly root at '/tmp/RtmpwPJVha/file1d2621f112b4'
#> $core
#> $core$path_archive
#> [1] "archive"
#> $core$use_file_store
#> [1] FALSE
#> $core$require_complete_tree
#> [1] FALSE
#> $core$hash_algorithm
#> [1] "sha256"
#> $location
#>    name  type args
#> 1 local local     
#> $orderly
#> $orderly$minimum_orderly_version
#> [1] ‘1.99.0’