2024-2025 DIDE internal training
Every 1-2 weeks we will have internal training, usually at 2pm on Thursday afternoons in room 310 (the “boardroom”). These are all in person only unless specifically advertised.
- 10 October 2024: Introduction to the cluster (aka hipercow) - Wes Hinsley
- 24 October 2024: Orderly2 - Rich FitzJohn, Wes Hinsley (and others)
- 14 November 2024: odin - Ed Knock and Rich FitzJohn (note - delayed due to IDM)
- 21 November 2024: monty (previously mcstate) - Marc Baguelin and Rich FitzJohn
- 28 November 2024: Planning an internship - Isobel Blake & Lucy Okell
- 05 December 2024: Advent of Code - Wes Hinsley
- 23 January 2025: Making R packages - Rich FitzJohn
- 06 February 2025: Data cleaning in R - Katy Gaythorpe and Wes Hinsley
- 20 February 2025: Advanced cluster usage - Wes Hinsley
- 06 March 2025: Writing your first grant or fellowship application - Tom Churcher and Julie Middleton
- 13 March 2025: Disease Invasion using Branching Processes - Jacob Curran and Sam Bhatt
- 20 March 2025: An introduction to Health Economics - Hugo Turner
- 3 April 2025: Introduction to deep learning frameworks with python and pytorch - Cosmo Santoni & OJ Watson