An interactive workshop to provide an overview of how to use πŸ“¦ [malariasimulation] for malaria modelling!

Workshop details

πŸ—“οΈ Tuesday 11th June 2024

⏰ 0900-1200

🏨 Room 310, SPH White City

πŸ’» Please bring your laptop!

Before the workshop

Please make sure you have the following installed:

  1. An up-to-date (Version >=4.3.0) installation of R. Please note, for those updating to R version 4.3 and above who have not updated recently you may also require an updated version of Rtools.
  2. An up-to-date (Version >= 2022.12.0) installation of RStudio. See help->check for updates.
  3. πŸ“¦ [malariasimulation]
  4. The workshop πŸ“¦ [malsimtutorial]

When installing packages please say β€œyes” to any prompts asking you to update or install dependencies.

  repos = c(
    mrcide = '',
    CRAN = '')

# The workshop package can be installed directly from github:

Following installation you should be able to successfully run:

output <- malariasimulation::run_simulation(100)



If you can’t, please contact the organisers before the workshop.