Dry run of package installation.
policy = "upgrade",
repos = NULL,
cran = NULL,
lib = NULL,
error = TRUE
A character vector of packages to install. These
can be names of CRAN packages or GitHub references etc; see
for more details
Should be either "lazy" or "upgrade", with a default of "upgrade"
A character vector of repositories to use when
installing. A suitable CRAN repo will be added if not detected
(using the cran
argument if provided)
Fallback CRAN repo to use. If not given we will use
The path to install into. We will create a self-contained library at this address.
Logical, indicating if error should be thrown on
failure. If FALSE
then we return the proposal object instead.
Invisibly, the resolution
if (FALSE) { # nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR"))